Digital literacy in CC4DR cities
Report Release: Cities Coalition for Digital Rights Environmental Scan
By Fiona O' Connor, Toronto Public Library

As digital literacy skills and technology are moving at a fast pace, cities across the world are building skills that support digital inclusion at both a social and professional level to meet the digital needs of their communities. Local Government offices, community agencies and libraries are expanding and offering services across several locations that have signed the declaration. The goal is to help support their citizens in both learning something new and improving their skill sets in the area of technology.
We publish this report by Fiona O' Connor from the Toronto Public Library, a scan that looks at the 49 cities that have signed the Cities for Digital Rights declaration and dives into the programs and training that are offered within these cities in the field of digital literacy. The scan provides concrete examples of how these cities are offering workshops, training, lectures and tech-help to build communities and make them digitally stronger. It specifically focuses on assessing how libraries and cities can work together on the topic of digital rights, something outlined by IFLA in their statement “Advocacy and engagement opportunities for libraries”.
We will organize a follow-up on the topic of library/city collaboration on the topic of digital inclusion and skills. E-mail if you as a city or library are eager to attend this working session!