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Niterói is a Brazilian municipality located in the metropolitan region of the state of Rio de Janeiro, with a population of around 550,000 inhabitants, a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.837, and a per capita GDP of approximately R$ 90.6 thousand. Also, Niterói has the 5th highest rate of internet access in households in Brazil.

Niterói is among the top 10 smartest cities in Brazil, according to the 2022 Connected Smart Cities Ranking (access here). The objective of this ranking is to map Brazilian cities with over 50,000 inhabitants that have the greatest potential for development through 75 indicators distributed across 11 thematic areas.

The city’s roadmap, which indicates where the city of Niterói wants to go, is the "Niterói We Want Strategic Plan 2013-2033 (NQQ)". Developed in 2013 with wide popular participation from entrepreneurs, researchers, artists, athletes, teachers, and public school students, the NQQ guides municipal management in implementing public policies in 7 Result Areas: 1. Organized and Safe; 2. Healthy; 3. Educated and Innovative; 4. Prosperous and Dynamic; 5. Vibrant and Attractive; 6. Inclusive; 7. Efficient and Committed.

The municipal management is also recognized for its public transparency. Niterói has ranked 1st six times in rankings by the Office of the Comptroller General of the Union and the Federal Public Ministry, in the years 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2021. In terms of fiscal management of public resources, Niterói ranked 1st in the state of Rio de Janeiro in the 2020 Firjan Fiscal Management Index.

The Niterói Digital Government Strategy (2023-2033) was launched in December and is coordinated by the Secretariat of Planning, Budget and Modernization of Management (SEPLAG). It aims at guiding the digital transformation of the municipality, seeking greater efficiency, simplicity, and ease of access to services and public policies, as well as increasing transparency.

After a highly collaborative process that began in March 2022, involving the participation of over 30 municipal agencies and entities, as well as various experts in the field, guiding principles were defined with the mission of creating an innovative and sustainable environment in the city, directing efforts to make Niterói a more digital, integrated, human, and accessible city. All actions are in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, the National Digital Government Strategy, as well as the municipal planning instruments such as the Niterói We Want 2013-2033 plan and the 2021-2025 Multi-Year Plan.

Niterói also launched in 2022 a Smart, Human and Sustainable City Plan. The plan aims to be a tool for general strategic guidelines that will help establish the framework for Niterói's smart, human, and sustainable city. Through collaborative work - involving the integration of various municipal departments and agencies, as well as dialogues and consultations with academia and the private sector - the document presents principles, visions, and guidelines that should serve as a foundation for current and future transformation initiatives in the municipality of Niterói. The plan presents a diagnosis, showing the starting point of the city, with its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and then reaching the goals and potential initiatives, seeking indicators that will aid in monitoring and tracking the city's activities (access here).

The city of Niterói is already working to protect & uphold digital rights principles:

Universal and equal access to internet, and digital literacy

Privacy, data protection and literacy

Transparency, accountability, and non-discrimination of data, content and algorithms

Participatory democracy, diversity and inclusion

Open and ethical digital service standards

Latest City Activities

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  • This week, let’s celebrate the 1st International Digital Rights Days

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