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The City of Boston embraces innovation and technology as means to connect our constituents with the City's workforce, in order to access government services and programs that support their wellbeing. However, we know that these digital experiences also come with unique risks and challenges. These risks will disporportionally impact communities that have been marginalized such as the LGTBQ+ community, immigrants, people with disabilities, non-english speakers, and others. The Department of Innovation and Technology, the senior leadership of the department has a role ensuring that every resident has experiences ensure their dignity while supporting the delivery of these services and programs.  We do this through three key activity areas: firstly, delivering digital services and products that work and that are reliable, secure, accessible, and that protect their digital rights; secondly, supporting the governance of technology and innovation to ensure coherence and coordination across city agencies and departments - so that constituents can be assured that their rights are preserved through policies, standards, and practices, and that we can inform these with their feedback and needs; and thirdly,  by ensuring that every person has access to the connectivity, devices, and skills to connect affordably, with quality, and securely.  


Digital rights are the expectations that our constituents and workforce have for reasonable protection and affirmation of their needs and safety. Our approach focuses on dialogue and formalization. We believe that by convening our community, both constituents and workforce, to identify and protect these rights, that we build a stronger sense of community. We want to build a space where these can be discussed and grow, the way our community continues to change.  

Latest City Activities

  • The MyData Task Force report is out now!

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  • Join us in Barcelona for three CC4DR's sessions in SCEWC (5-7 November)

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  • Belo Horizonte, a commitment to digital inclusion through citizen-centred service design

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