Local Governments are closest to citizens, and interact with them on a daily basis. Therefore Murcia subscribes to the CCDR and its principles, to enable citizens and lower thresholds for the use of digital tools and interaction, especially in youth and elderly people, fomenting citizen participation and engagement, and defending citizen’s rights in the digital domain, whilst simultaneously improving the services we, as a city, provide.
As such, Murcia has been working effortful on its key digital projects. Examples include the Murcia Smart City Project, that pretends to create a digital experience for citizens tailored to their individual needs, Murcia Open Data Project, making public data accessible for citizens and businesses, the Murcia Smart City App for direct contact between citizens and the municipality, as well as participatory processes, the OCULTO.TV streaming platform for local artists and local culture consumption and initiatives regarding internet provision to disadvantaged households in times of COVID-19 (for school access), or courses for elderly citizens to use smartphones and apps.