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Governance and use of AI systems - we need your participation!

Invitation to Participate

We are issuing this survey to gather information and input from members of the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights (CC4DR) around Coalition action and services related to AI governance and use. The information provided will only be used internally for the purposes of informing the Coalition’s AI Forum development. Nothing asked or provided here should be construed as binding, as legal demonstration, or require commitment. The anticipated time of completion is 10 minutes.

The survey will be open until July 17, 2024


Background to the Study

Technology has a vital role to play in advancing human rights and in achieving the vision laid out in the United Nations 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development. Yet, technology can cause, contribute to, or be directly linked to adverse impacts on digital rights issues such as privacy, freedom of expression, discrimination, security, online safety (especially for children), among others. As part of addressing these technology policy issues, the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights (CC4DR) is working to promote the ethical use of technology and data through six identified missions. Toronto and New York City are nominated to advance Mission 3: Promoting the use of digital technologies, data, and AI for good. 

This survey's purpose is to develop an understanding of the maturity of each coalition city in the space of Artificial Intelligence (AI). 

For the purposes of this survey, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is to be understood as "A machine-based system that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments" (OECD, 2024) 

For any questions, please contact


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