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Deep Dive: Visor Urbano in Guadalajara

09/22/2022 - 16:00

Visor Urbano is a digital platform for city management that tackles corruption in city licensing. It allows stakeholders to access georreferenced information related to urban development and carry out electronic administrative procedures, such as applying and paying for commercial licenses, a feature that has been key to fighting corruption and making administrative processes more agile. Visor Urbano was first set up in the city of Guadalajara, Mexico, and after its success it has been scaled up to the whole State of Jalisco. Visor Urbano won the Bloomberg Philantropies Mayors’ Challenge in 2016, and since then it has not stopped improving and enhancing its functions.

During our Deep Dive, the team behind Visor Urbano will share the story behind the platform, how it has reached such an outstanding impact, and will offer a practical demo of how the tool works.

Find more information on Visor Urbano in their website and in this video.

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