Rennes Métropole strongly supports and endorses the principles of the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights.
Under the pressure of new actors in the digital sector, cities are subject to a double requirement in providing local public services: adapting to new quality standards (speed, flow, individualization…) and guaranteeing that the criteria inherent to public services are maintained (fair treatment, neutrality, continuity of service, protection of privacy). The provision of these services, while ensuring they remain both efficient and respectful of public interest, implies the ability to process very large volumes of heterogeneous data produced by a wide variety of actors
Composed of 43 municipalities, Rennes Métropole is one of the Métropole pioneering open data in 2010. Its innovative public policies in terms of transports, urbanism, waste management or local democracy enabled it to achieve a mature reflection on the challenges surrounding data management and a strong capacity of action to address them.
Since 2017 and the pre-launch of the metropolitan public service on data, Rennes Métropole has been leading a genuinely collaborative and partnership-based strategy on data. We are now entering a new stage in this endeavor, which is becoming all the more tangible with the creation of the RUDI portal (funded by the European Union through Urban Innovative Actions initiative). This tool will allow Rennes’ citizens to take back control over their personal data and give local companies the opportunity to improve the production of services that are efficient, cost-effective and respectful of public interest. https://www.uia-initiative.eu/en/uia-cities/rennes-metropole
By pioneering the open data movement in France from 2010, and later on by exploring the concept of a local data public service, Rennes Métropole has a well-established experience in facilitating access to digital technology and mastering data production and management chains.
Rennes Métropole has developed infrastructures: public fiber-optic networks, IoT Lora network as well as lighthouse projects dealing with data challenges:
- 3D Experiencity Virtual Rennes (3D virtual model of Rennes in partnership with Dassault Systèmes
- KorrigoServices+: travel card and multiservice card based on a nationally standardized technology guaranteeing the protection of personal data
- Extended LabFabs: network of all the FabLabs on the territory under a common charter (providing free knowledge and services to everyone). Rennes Métropole has joined the Fab City global initiative to promote strategies in circular economy and digital social innovation.
- In the summer of 2020, Rennes will open the Edulab, a third place dedicated to digital uses and cultures for educational purposes.
All this reflects the concern to offer contents, tools and digital literacy/education to everyone.
- The Fabrique citoyenne ("citizenship factory"), is a participatory approach aiming at widening rooms for citizen dialogue and improve citizens’ co-creation and participation to local public policies. It is based on a Local Democracy Charter which promotes 5 values: ethic, equality, transparency, respect and continuous improvements and its ambition is to concern all fields of local policies. The Fabrique citoyenne is also the framework of the participatory budget of Rennes.
- Local communities have also gained experience in organizing co-creation and prototyping events with design thinking approaches such as Museomix, MetroMix, MaisonMix or Europe Remix.
- Moreover Rennes Métropole works hand in hand with a very strong digital and innovation ecosystem of start-ups, big companies, and academic stakeholders.
- Since late 2016, Rennes has been home to the Centre for Cyber-Excellence (Pôle d'excellence cyber) and the active ecosystem surrounding it. It comprises both large companies and cutting-edge research centers.