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Looking Back & Looking forward – Members Meeting in Barcelona: Strategy 2020

Looking back:
In the first year of the Coalition, a broad foundation was established to further build upon. A lot of enthusiastic ideas and support came from cities as well as partner organizations. The commitment grew, and so far, 45 cities formally confirmed to endorse the 5 principles of the Coalition. Their digital policy will pro-actively take Digital Rights into account, while implementing co-created solutions that adhere these rights. The first members meeting in June was successful in aligning its ambitions with city expectations and needs. Moreover, several informative webinars on e.g. AI in the city and Data-principles in action proved useful in sharing knowledge and evoking discussion. Finally, the workshop on AI Ethics held in Helsinki, was a productive next step in city-to-city collaborations, resulting in AI Ethics Guidelines from London and Helsinki. More deliverables like this will follow during the next year, supported by the working group ‘New Technology’.

Based on cities’ needs, 4 Working groups are created so far:

Looking forward – Next milestones:
For next milestones, the main focus will be on creating re-usable deliverables, mutual learning, and local implementation. These efforts will be driven by working groups and city-to-city collaborations, supported with expertise and knowledge from research or policy institutions. The next milestone will be the members meeting in June in Amsterdam, where the cities will present their learning questions, initiatives, deliverables and learning questions. The meeting will provide an opportunity to present final deliverables or put on-going work open for feedback. Next year in Barcelona, awards will be handed out to most impressive efforts and collaborations from city-members. Meanwhile, an online a knowledge platform on digital rights will be created. Finally, we will work towards a more global representation in terms of member-cities, while also actively recruit small and intermediate cities as member.

Take-ways from the Members Meeting:

These insights provided solid input to finalize the Strategy 2020 for the coalition, with 40 actions, 10 objectives and 4 goals:

You can find below this post the Strategy 2020 document, take a look and feel free to start working, contact us to start collaboration, join the coalition! You can contribute as a city member, or start a project with us as a partner of collaborator. Together we will make the 2020 objectives reality!

To make this happen, we unite in collective action and local implementation by:

Applying expert-knowledge in practical city context to tackle challenges collaboratively.

Forming working groups and partnerships focused on digital rights topics relevant for City-members.

Gathering local use-cases and experience to influence international policy.

Next events:

Cities can:


PDF icon Final Strategy 2020 - CC4DR.pdf

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